My host dad is home for the weekend. Tonight we ate sukiyaki. It really is a lot of fun to cover the table in newspaper and just start cooking right then and there. I drank some sake with him. I actually like the cheap stuff (it came from a carton, I'm assuming it was cheap) better than the good stuff that I got to try yesterday.

From there the whole group took a ferry ride that eventually landed us in Chinatown. The streets were lined with vendor selling food, fortune telling, and many other oddities. Ryan and I went off and ate in a little hole-in-the-wall place and our peanut chicken, fried rice, and jasmine tea was really delicious. Here another baby kept playing peek-a-boo with us. We were still a little hungry so we bought some momo-pan from a street vendor. It was a bun stuffed with peach flavored filling and the outside was decorated to look like a peach-delicious! After that we went into some touristy type stores and tried on all the Chinese looking clothes and I bought a panda charm for my cell phone. Next the whole group went to this area called the Bluff and to a park near there. It was pretty but the view from the Bluff wasn't what I was hoping considering buildings between the lookout and the water.

The last part of the day was optional. But myself and several friends decided to do it. We went to the Zaim Cafe for a school Digital Youth event. We had some time to blow before anything started so before that we hung out near the major league baseball field. The fans were really loud. Now Ryan and I really want to go to a game. When we went back to the cafe there were various things going on, including sake tasting (woohoo the legal drinking age in Japan is 20!), a shamisen (a type of stringed guitar) player, a really trippy fashion show, and a rock band. The verdicts= sake: so-so, shamisen: really cool-I would listen to that now, fashion show: I hope they were trying to make a statement because the clothes were more costumes than anything, but it was still pretty cool, rock band: good enough but you couldn't hear the singer. There was some other stuff on the venue but I had to leave since I was about 2 hours away from Chiba and I didn't want to miss the last train home.

I'm going to try to figure this picture thing out. Though I won't be able to put them all up here considering I took about 150 for the Yokohama trip only.
1 comment:
Finally just caught up on reading all your entries so far! Waah, sounds so amazing.. I really wish I could be there too! ^^! And I want to try all the food you mentioned, ahh~ I'm really glad things turned out great with your host family! :D
You seem really busy all the time, hee, but it's perfectly understandable -- I wouldn't want you stuck to the computer all day in Japan! :d hee. Anyway, it was great hearing about everything you've done~ seems like you're really getting used to it! :) Can't wait to hear more~ :D
Talk to you later~ take care, have fun, stay safe! <3
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