Nothing too exciting has happened, well at least no epic trips. There were fun things of course but it has also been midterm time so I've had to actually focus on my school work a bit more (and not grand adventures meant this was very easy to update). This has really paid off. I got a 100 on my first music test and my Japanese teacher praised me on my speaking test (which might just be her being polite, she never told me the grade). Going to a school that isn't "Work" Forest makes me feel smart again!
Other than school I've got lost looking for a place called the Pink Cow, I saw Indiana Jones (btw the scene where they are testing the atomic bomb was fairly awkward in a Japanese movie theater), and had my first visit back to Espoir. I have no idea what he did but after washing my hair he put something in it, wrapped saran wrap around my head a few times, and had me sit under some machine while something shaped like a donut rotated around my head. I was also given a bottle of something to start using after I shampoo. I'm not really seeing much difference...
I also went to a Digital Youth seminar Pecha Kucha style. Each presenter had 20 slides and each slide was only up for 20sec. This let us get a brief intro to several different topics. Actually being in Japan has allowed me to see presentations by many respected names in Asian Studies. I never actually considered that as a benefit of being here but I'm taking advantage of it and learning as much as I can.
Picture time:

And now, because I don't have more important pictures of some grand event, some Engrish:

It really was very delicious orange juice. This is the engrish of over exaggeration. Some things you can get away with in Japanese but just don't really work in english.

My favorite so far. Engrish of the highest degree: typos, incorrect grammar, and a message that doesn't make sense no matter what language it's in.
Ack, two posts in one day... trying to trip us up, are you? Congrats on the music test, hope the rest went as well.
That shirt is excellent... you should get one to go with your lead-lined-refrigerator-of-nuclear-survival. You do have one of those, right?
Lots of love as always!
...I don't know how to handle two posts in one day!!! So I'll just say that Engrish is great, and I think some of the best Engrish I found was in 100 Yen stores; there were signs everywhere with the third type of engrish that you listed.
Congrats on doing really well on midterms! Omedetou~
Wow, people post so much more on your blog than they did when I was away in England. Maybe it's the whole Japan thing.
Anyway, I am proud of your blogishness, and I miss you! I hope you nest month or so of Japan is fun :)
Hello from your aunt Kimmie. Love the blog--being that I communicate so well with the rest of the family, I just got the address today! And MEME got it right!!! Send me a way to send you some pics of your family--they were just up visiting! Keep up the good fun!!!
Love ya! Kimmie
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