Friday, June 6, 2008

It finally happened

I did it...I've finally set up this blog to chronicle my adventures in Japan. Now that I've been here for three weeks and have been faithfully (for me anyways) keeping track of everything, I'm finally going to get around to sharing it. Not that my extreme lack of writing skills will do this awesome country justice but you all deserve to hear about what you're missing out on ^.^


joeandsusan said...

Hi Cynthia. Hope this is working. 'Bout time you set this blog up!

joeandsusan said...

I love the title of your blog. Glad to see your experiences are going well. We mis you more than your mother, lol! I trust you will email this site to everyone. We look forward to reading the comments. please be careful but have a good time too. Love you, Daddy.

xtownaga said...

Way to (randomly, of course) pick the most arbitrarily awesome blogging site in existence :P

I don't have time to read it all right now but I'm going to save it and read it on the train tomorrow (or maybe sleep, depending on how long packing takes lol... and how hangover inducing 1.9L of Czech beer is).

Wish you were here, and yet glad you are there,