I spent actual Thanksgiving at the JET Mid-Year Seminar. It was a rather boring two days worth of speakers and classes but I got some good ideas to use in my classes and I’ve actually already used some of them. That weekend there was a JET Charity Pub Quiz that four of us Himi people entered. Our group was called the Himi Hermits. We came in second place by only one point, too bad only the first place people got the half of the money that wasn’t going to charity. Still it was a lot of fun! Also, it wasn’t actually at a pub, it was at a Brazilian restaurant and the food was awesome. There was even turkey, which is basically unheard of here, to give me one more chance to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Exciting news for Himi is that buri (yellowtail) is officially in season! This is one of the things Himi is most famous for and, having eaten it both grilled and raw, I can see why. It is sooooooooo delicious!!!
I haven’t done anything too grand recently but work has been pretty busy all December. For example, on Dec. 10th I had a demo lesson for prospective students at Seibu MS. Basically, 6th graders from the three elementary schools that feed into Seibu came and had a mock English class. I think it went okay. This was largely helped by the fact that two of those elementary schools were schools that I teach at so I already knew the students. That same day we had the BOE enkai which was great because they scheduled it at Tori No Ya which is the restaurant owned by the same guy that owns Wyatt. Having been there before I knew to expect great food and they did not disappoint.
Also at school, I have had several really great Christmas classes. We did all sorts of Christmas activities including: Christmas bingo, Christmas card making (I made one card for each of my schools), cutting out snowflakes, reading Christmas stories, talking about American Christmas (including some pictures of my family), singing Christmas songs etc. At several schools I wore a Santa hat, which was usually met with great enthusiasm, especially from the younger kids. I even got applause when I walked into one of the staff rooms! I got the kids all riled up by walking around during cleaning time saying “Merry Christmas!” I apologized to the teachers but I figured it was okay since it was the last day of classes and I usually don’t interrupt their chores.
One of the best classes was with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders at Hayakawa ES. As we were doing the fun lesson, Kyoto-sensei (vice-principal) walked by a window dressed up in a full Santa costume. The kids got really excited and by the end of class, after walking around outside several times, he finally came in the classroom and gave the students their presents (which was just some Japanese candy). I cracked up because instead of saying HOHOHO he said HAHAHA.
Another great experience was with my 5th graders at Kubo ES. We had a fun lesson and at the very end they gave me a Christmas present. Their present was to play "Silent Night" and "Take Me Home, Country Roads" on their recorders. Apparently they had just learned "Silent Night" in the few days before my lesson with them so they could play it for me. I was very touched!
More Christmas spirit has come from the decorations around town. My favorites are the lights near the main bridge that include some shaped like a buri! Also, the ALTs helped the CIR with a Christmas event for 30 or so 3rd and 4th graders that had more of the aforementioned activities and was really a lot of fun.
Since I probably won’t update this again before Christmas: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! メリークリスマス!よいお年を!
Dear CynthiaChristmasspiritchu,
Interesting they are letting you indoctrinate your students about CHRISTMAS. At least the secular version is a start. I hope they don't expect to get a striped candy cane(your drawing) in their sock. I have noticed that you're very good at taking photos of food. Perhaps you could get a job as a food photographer when you get home.
Dear CynthiaWFUstinksinb'ballchu,
BTW...your brothers got a big kick that Tokyo has a UNC Pez dispenser, and that WFU and NC State did not. I told them that it's because they have sold out of those and no one wants to buy the UNC dispenser!
Hey Cynthia,
Good lord does that yellowtail look delicious. I'm so incredibly looking forward to sushi in Japan hehehe. Your tales of Christmases far away are exciting, and I love the pictures of the santa hat. I told my parents that next year I'm adding a fish to their Christmas light setup - they were not terribly enthusiastic.
Merry Christmas, and I look forward to talking to you again soon!
Dear Cynthia,
Merry Christmas! I love your pictures and your blog (maybe a writing a book is in your future?) I hope you don't mind me lurking!
We're getting ready for dinner and then off to 10:30 Midnight Mass.
Dear Cynthia,
Just caught up on all your happenings. It sounds like you are still having a ball! I think all the ice creame looks good. I'm still undecided about the different fish?! (but I love the pics)
We sure did miss you during X-mas. It just didn't seem the same without you!!! I'm glad you got to see lots of pretty lights. I'm sure you heard it snowed X-mas day. It was beautiful.
I look forward to your next update.
Love you,
Aunt Debbie
So it's about 9 hours late for you and about 5 hours early for me... but Happy New Year anyway ;)
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