Hey, how’ve you been? Doing well? I sure hope so. I’ve been just dandy. I’ve done a lot and taken many pictures. Sadly, all these months later, I’m just going to do my best to fill you in on the highlights because if I tried to cover everything that has happened during my hiatus I would never catch up. So without further ado: the past half year (or so) of my life.
April 17: Marumage Festival, Gon Gon Festival. The first is a famous festival in Himi where young, unmarried women don the traditional clothes and wig of a married geisha to parade around town and ultimately go to a shrine to pray for a good marriage. Katie and I participated and spent the whole day in that crazy outfit. It was one of the most fun and unique experiences I've had in this country. The second festival is so named for the sound made when you hit a bell. In this case a large temple bell hit with what is essentially a tree trunk. The festival is centered around a competition to see who can hit the bell the most times...I have no idea for what purpose.
I hated that wig by the end. It was really heavy.
Group photo: I'm in the back with the special green tasseled wig and Katie is sitting behind the little girl in red on the right side.
I was on interviewed (in Japanese) and in the newspaper and on TV. Many people said they saw me. I was practically a celebrity, all the bystanders wanted my photo. The whole experience was both exhilarating and disconcerting.
We finished near a park so of course we took pictures with the cherry blossoms.
Some were perhaps more serious than others.
Here's Joe trying his hand at it.
April 28-May 5: Golden Week, Zack visit. Golden Week is this fabulous time of year were within a seven day period there are four national holidays. I don’t know how they fall every year, but this year it worked out that by only taking one day off I had a nice week long vacation during which Zack was able to come visit. If anyone doesn't know Zack he's a one of my best friends from all the way back in kindergarten. Basically we spent part of our time in Tokyo (east side) and the rest in my neck of the woods (west side), we were uber-tourist and saw and as much as we could cram into a weeks worth of vacation. Naturally, it was EPIC!!! I apologize to him for not doing our travels justice with the pictures I'm selecting and the quick blurbs that will accompany. I took a ton of pictures (and made sure to get copies of all of his) so the easiest way for me to start choosing is to select from the experiences that were new and unique for me.
Our first goal was to just scope out the whole of Tokyo so we went to the top of one of the tall (free) buildings and took in the amazing 360 view.
Sadly pictures weren't allowed inside the sword museum. We did get calendars for free though :)
The entrance into the Imperial Palace East Gardens which are open to the general public for free.
The gardens had beautiful flowers and cool old buildings, both of which are nicely shown off in this shot.
A 3D racing game on display in the Sony building. I did better than Zack :P
Asakusa pagoda
Well Blogger keeps giving me an error message whenever I try to add more pictures so I think I'll just call it a night and post this. I'll pick up the next post from our arrival in Himi.